After Renovation

After Renovation
Kitchen Breakfast Area

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


~~BY APPOINTMENT: AMY 203.913.1638~~

Monday, October 10, 2011

Time's Up, Show's Over and Everybody's Going Home!!

A spectacular event for sure!  Everything top notch in terms of the weather, the venue, the volunteers, the catering, the exquisite vendors - truly one of the best events I have seen and priviledged to be a part of.  A special thank you to Reed Collyer of Collyer Catering in Westport.  She was kind enough to provide lovely tasties in the kitchen at the barn!  Another thanks to my friend Karen Nash, who tirelessly took to needle and thread creating beautiful window treatments and pillows!  Yardstick Decor for creating a beautiful cover for the billiard table.  To Elizabeth Kohler for assisting in floral designs and helping man the station!  Kaoud Rugs of Wilton for lending the wonderful Tufenkian rugs that absolutely pulled the room scheme together.  Thanks to my peops for their support....thanks for showing up with a kind smile...means a lot!
Look for the after sale - stay in touch!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Designing The Barn

The installation is complete and the Vines and Vignettes Event nearing its start!  So many fine details to finese this project.  What does every New Year celebration have in common?  Champagne of course!  So it is my final task to find some beautiful bottles for display.  Flutes next.  Sparkling glasses to sparkle along with the crystal tree adorned table.  Details, details.  The making of a completed design.  So pleased I invited Collyer Catering to epitomize the very last detail of The Barn experience.

So as with every project there comes passing ideas but when the final product is about exactly as I pictured it in my mind upon conception, it is pretty darn gratifying.  The beauty of the showcase is it is an unadulterated work product.  With a client project there are always limitations based on budget and existing materials.  In this case the budget was limited yes, but the materials not really.  Other than the wall color not being my first choice for the look, everything about the barn bones were amazing and better than a blank canvas.

The gorgeous weather will truly enhance the experience of all the Vines and Vignettes guests, designers and vendors.  I recommend it highly.