It may seem obvious to some that the foundation of a design is the artchitectural elements that form the space. The foundation of designing a great men's custom shirt is based on the measurement of the body: arms, neck, chest, shoulder, waist and hip. The off the rack shirt may fit okay but to fit optimally those measurements are key to designing at the highest level. For the room it is not only the length, width, height. In order to produce a great design for the room all the elements that are structural need to be included in the plan. Taking into consideration, beams, columns, doors, windows, angled walls etc. These elements are deal breakers when you are designing a space. Not including just one can throw off the whole design.
Measurements and architectural elements are the truth of the space and are what some may consider the limitation or the challenge. This is what separates a good eye from good design. Professionals know this to be an exacting science and the more the professional designer understands this principle, the more the professional knows they are constantly challenged.
As a client, it is important to know that all good design begins with proper measurement of existing space or an accurate and updated version of a blue print. The more accurate the measurement or the plan, the better the design can be executed. Very often clients would like to take this out of the equation and want to simply opine on the subject of what would be best for a space. Not a good idea. Always put to paper what is intended for a space. It does not have to be fancy just include the truth of the space.
Would you walk around in size 9 shoes if you wear an 8? Short cuts are the way to a sloppy design.
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