A very simple way to determine your style is to go onto google images and just put words for objects you would like to see. Now make a selection of about 20 - 30 things/objects that appeal to you. Copy them onto your photo alblum space on your computer. Very quickly you will see a development of your style appear. Keep doing this until you are satisfied that you have covered enough subject matters and given yourself the opportunity to consider texture, color, light and dark.
This exercise will be most helpful to determining your style. It may be that you are acclectic and really just appreciate all kinds of shapes, sizes, color, texture and designs and that is okay. You may become overwhelmed by how your selections don't seem to define your sense of style. Someone who is trained in design will be able to interpret this for you and will translate it into a most magnificant space that will speak to you.
Here are some examples of very different table top designs. They all have very different styles and may not appeal to everyone. Choosing just one will begin revealing your style to you.
A great way to do this is on Pinterest.com where you can "pin" items that you like from anywhere on the internet.